

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 14 years, 1 month ago

This Prezi was presented as part of the Tri-State Educational Technology Conference (TSETC).


NOTE: Click on any of the links you find interesting, read more about them, then click again to go to the link!



  1. The Recorded Live Presentation
  2. Audio Tools
    1. Free PC Audio Software: Audacity
      1. Audacity Video Tutorial
    2. Free MAC Software: Garage Band
      1. Garage Band Video Tutorial
  3. Skype: Free Video Conference
    1. Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas
    2. 21 Skype Resources- Includes tips on where to find classes to Skype with, lesson plans, and more!
    3. Wiley Elementary Skyping Korean Elementary Class
  4. Wikis: Free Collaborative Website For Educators
    1. Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas
    2. Glogsters From the World-  Join other classes worldwide in sharing their countries' culture and traditions through interactive posters.
      1. Find more Glogster tutorials and resources here.
    3. Events in Our Region- Share with others slideshows and more in this wiki describing a unique event or festival! Students will love the ones listed :-)
    4. English Story Time Wiki- An example of having your class projects as one page/ section in your class wiki.
  5. Blogs
    1. Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas
    2. Young Clovers Blog- Young learners in Lebanon connecting with kids worldwide
    3. Sharing Good News- Greta Sandler's (@gret) class in Argentina connecting with others worldwide
    4. Edublogs for schools
    5. Kidblogs for students
    6. Learning to Blog Using Paper
    7. Web 2.0 Tools to Embed in Wikis or Blogs
      1. Voicethread
        1. My VoiceThread Collaborative Project: Germany, New Zealand, & Turkey Children
      2. Voki
    8. Where to Find Classes to Connect
      1. Twitter
      2. Connect to the World Using Twitter Video
      3. Connect to the World Using Twitter Blog Post
      4. EPals
      5. One Voice
      6. Around the World with 80 Schools Skype Group
        1. Videos by Langwitches about the Project
      7. Project Peace
      8. Write Your Own Story
      9. The Monster Project
      10. The Tongue Twister Project
      11. Geo Glogs Project
      12. Celebrate U & Me Digitally Project
    9. Internet Safety Information for Parents & Forms
      1. Internet Safety Information for Parents by Pernille Ripp 
      2. Other Internet Safety Information for Parents


    The Recorded Live Presentation


    Link to the presentation in case you missed it, https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2010-11-16.1414.D.0A9062474999EE575095DEAD5F3B7E.vcr&sid=gec2010

    Link to information about Skype!


    Audio Tools


    Free PC Audio Software: Audacity

    What is it?

    • Free audio recording & editing open software you download for your PC (Windows), http://audacity.sourceforge.net/?lang=en
    • Students can record for any length then have several sophisticated editing options
    • This is ideal for podcasting because you can add sound effects and music
    • No registration is required


    Audacity Video Tutorial


    YouTube plugin error



    Free MAC Software: Garage Band

    What is it?

    • Free audio recording & editing software for your Mac
    • Students can record for any length then have several sophisticated editing options
    • This is ideal for podcasting because you can add sound effects and music
    • A variety of sounds and instruments come with the software
    • No registration is required
    • May have to pay to publish on the web


    Garage Band Video Tutorial


    YouTube plugin error




    Skype: Free Video Conference

    What is it?

    • Collaborate with other classes with this free video conferencing software

    Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas

    21 Skype Resources- Includes tips on where to find classes to Skype with, lesson plans, and more!


    Wiley Elementary Skyping Korean Elementary Class






    Wikis: Free Collaborative Website For Educators

    What is it?

    • Collaborate with others in creating an interactive website with multimedia. Tools include templates and the ability to embed videos, widgets, documents and more!

    Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas

    Glogsters From the World-  Join other classes worldwide in sharing their countries' culture and traditions through interactive posters.

    Find more Glogster tutorials and resources here.

    Events in Our Region- Share with others slideshows and more in this wiki describing a unique event or festival! Students will love the ones listed :-)

    English Story Time Wiki- An example of having your class projects as one page/ section in your class wiki.




    What is it?

    • A blog is a free website to use but the posts are linear. The most recent is at the top.

    Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas

    Young Clovers Blog- Young learners in Lebanon connecting with kids worldwide

    Sharing Good News- Greta Sandler's (@gret) class in Argentina connecting with others worldwide

    Edublogs for schools

    Kidblogs for students

    Learning to Blog Using Paper




    Web 2.0 Tools to Embed in Wikis or Blogs



    What is it?

    • Students can upload images, papers, movies, etc and have several commenting options
    • Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas




    Find this VoiceThread here, http://voicethread.com/#q.oweek.b1243327.i6689544


    My VoiceThread Collaborative Project: Germany, New Zealand, & Turkey Children





    • Students speak through speaking avatars they customize
    • Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas



    Where to Find Classes to Connect



    What is it?

    • Connect with other classes and educators to do collaborative projects with this free social network
    • Visit this page for tutorials, resources, examples, and lesson ideas


    Connect to the World Using Twitter Video



    Connect to the World Using Twitter Blog Post



    What is it?

    • Connect with other classes and educators to do collaborative projects with this free online community. Many projects listed!


    One Voice

    What is it?

    • Connect with other classes and educators to do collaborative projects with this free Ning. You have to register. Projects listed.


    Around the World with 80 Schools Skype Group

    What is it?

    • Connect with other classes and educators to do Skype conferences. Register for free!


    Videos by Langwitches about the Project


    Around the World With 80 Schools- Helsinki from langwitches on Vimeo.


    Around the World with 80 Schools Impressions from langwitches on Vimeo.


    Project Peace

    What is it?

    • Connect with other classes and make videos for peace!


    Love Train Namhae M.S. from David Deubel on Vimeo.



    Write Your Own Story

    What is it?

    • Each class writes a part of the story which is then uploaded online for parents and all to read! It's an amazing way to increase literacy. Project created by @kditzler.


    The Monster Project

    What is it?

    • A student describes a monster and another tries to draw it according to the description! What fun!


    The Tongue Twister Project

    What is it?

    • Over 29 schools collaborate on a book of tongue twisters.


    Geo Glogs Project

    What is it?

    • This is aimed at promoting knowledge about geography, hence Geo! Create Glogs, multimedia posters, describing the geography of your area.


    Celebrate U & Me Digitally Project

    What is it?

    • Join with 6 other countries in celebrating various events and holidays through interactive and multimedia presentations, videos, and more! 




    Internet Safety Information for Parents & Forms


    Internet Safety Information for Parents by Pernille Ripp 


    Other Internet Safety Information for Parents




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